June 30, 2011No Comments


Barbarian Group partnered with Cutwater to relaunch the Coolsculpting brand and website. Coolsculpting uses an innovative technique which freezes "stubborn" fat cells through a non-invasive process. Gaining ground in the media and opening more offices around the world, the company wanted to rebrand themselves to be more consumer-friendly.

As Art Director, I was responsible for setting the visual language of the site while concurrently working with Cutwater's creative team on photography and typographic styles. Visit »

June 30, 2011No Comments

Kashi, 2011 Cereal Trial Event

Every year Kashi launches initiatives called "trial events," which are multimedia campaigns that usually involve either product giveaways or discounts. The goal of these events is to gain new fans.

In spring 2011 we worked on a trial event that centered around their cereals. As their digital agency of record, The Barbarian Group collaborated closely with Kashi's broadcast, print, PR and packaging agencies in order to create a fully integrated campaign.

As Art Director and creative lead for the account, I led the creative work which not only involved visual design, but also strategy, concepting, IA/UX and content development.

Early concepts:

June 30, 2011No Comments

Kashi, Seven Whole Grains on a Mission

Kashi asked their team at The Barbarian Group to create a rich, interactive experience to tell their brand story, "Seven Whole Grains on a Mission." The key pieces of this story were: What are the seven grains? What makes them special? Where are they sourced from?

As Art Director and creative lead for the account, I led the creative work which not only involved visual design, but also strategy, concepting, IA/UX and content development.

June 30, 2011No Comments

Sony Bravia 2010 Showcase

Odopod worked directly with the creative team at Sony to create an immersive, interactive experience that showcased the new Bravia television and the philosophy that informed its revolutionary design. The site is divided into "stories"– Design, Connectivity and Picture. Each story had chapters which had their own mode of interactivity.

I was involved with developing the site concepts and as a senior designer I designed the room environment, interface elements behaviors, title plates and window backgrounds.

FWA Site of the Day • Communication Arts Webpick of the Week

June 30, 2011No Comments

Don Q LadyData

Don Q is the number one rum in Puerto Rico, the land of rum. But it's not yet well-known in the US. The strategic brains at Undercurrent came to Odopod with a plan to help the brand change that, by giving its audience of young men something they're in dire need of: female perspective. We developed this plan into a platform: LadyData. It's powered by the opinions of a team of female insiders, lending their intuition to crucial man-topics like style, careers, manners and, of course, sex and dating. The site is an unexpected blend of data, entertainment and utility. It's built to grow, with new opinions and ladies being added all the time. Most importantly, it's relevant and engaging - a refreshing standout in a stale category.

I was involved from the beginning concept phase into the design phase. During the design phase I led a team which created user interface and visual design studies. Once a design direction was chosen I was solely responsible for creating page designs for both the LadyData microsite and the rum product site. I also helped by formatting the css for flash-disabled platforms. Visit »

Communication Arts Webpick of the Week

June 30, 2011No Comments

Nestea Liquid Awesomeness

Venables Bell came to Odopod to create an online home for "Steve," the spokesman for Nestea who had transformed his house into a 24/7 arena for the public to challenge and test his skills of awesomeness.

We were tasked to come up with the challenges, shoot and edit all of the video, create a look & feel that was an extension of the campaign's overall branding and determine how the site worked and behaved. My specific role as senior designer was to design the overall site framework, interface elements and menus. I also created challenge icons and some of the animated flash elements.

One Show Interactive Finalist • Cannes Cyber Lions Finalist • FWA Site of the Day

June 30, 2011No Comments

Chrome Bags Website Redesign

Odopod collaborated with Chrome Bags to evolve their brand. We delivered brand guidelines, a library of lifestyle photography and a website.

I was also involved from the initial branding explorations, into the website design phase and later in creating lifestyle images

Initial branding explorations:

June 30, 2011No Comments

NVIDIA Speak Visual

Cutwater came to Odopod for the launch of their new campaign for Nvidia, Speak Visual, a celebration of all the dazzling eye-candy Nvidia technologies make possible. We shot video portraits profiling a diverse group of influential visual creators and created a gallery where others could have their work showcased. The entire experience was a 3D environment with a unique sense of spatial integrity. It was created using a mix of Flash, Papervision and Five3D technologies.

As senior designer I was responsible for making page designs that were then passed onto the flash development team. I also edited all of the artist videos and audio in the "spotlight" section.

Communication Arts Interactive Annual 16 • Horizon Interactive: Gold • One Show Interactive: Silver • Webby Awards Peoples Voice Winner • FITC Awards Winner • SXSW Winner • .Net Awards: Interactive Site of the Year • Communication Arts Webpick of the Week • FWA Site of the Day

June 30, 2011No Comments

White Gold Is White Gold

For the 2008 "Got Milk?" campaign Odopod worked with Goodby, Silverstein & Partners to create an interactive video and site that invited the public into the world of White Gold and The Calcium Twins. As senior designer on the project I was responsible for creating the visuals for "Domaine Ivoire," the world in which the protagonists lived. All of the designs were done in Photoshop. I was also involved with developing the overall concepts for the site.

One Show Interactive: Silver • FITC Awards Winner • CLIO Awards Shortlist • London International Finalist • FWA Site of the Day

June 30, 2011No Comments

Giant For Women

Odopod worked with Giant For Women (an initiative of Giant Bicycles for women cyclists) for over four years. We launched their initial site in early 2006 and did a design refresh in 2008. Visit »

I was involved with the 2008 refresh which required a redesign without altering how the pages were constructed in css. Since then I have been the lead designer for annual updates and special pages such as the one we did for pro racer Kelli Emmett. Visit »


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