June 30, 2007No Comments

Dark Undercoat

Emily Jane White, 2007
The design was inspired by photographs taken of her by Cam Archer.

January 1, 2006No Comments

Kill You With Numbers

Our Lady of the Highway, 2006
Dominic East asked me to design and create artwork for their third release. I wanted to do something a bit surrealist that used my own photographs, collaged with other imagery. The type treatment was inspired by some signage I saw near Mt. Shasta.

June 1, 2000No Comments

Harrell Fletcher

One of my first web design projects was redesigning the website for the artist Harrell Fletcher. We decided that the design needed to be very clean and simple, a design that allowed the user to easily navigate between the various projects. We launched this site over eight years ago and it's still serving its purpose. Visit »


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